Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | lodestone | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: TIFF 5.0Appendices The function StringFromCodeo gets the string associated with a particular cxie from the string tible. The function AddString' ToTableO addsa string to the string table +, 24L. sign joming the two ofthe argunent to Add5ringToTable indicate string concatenation StringFromCodeO looks up the string with a given code WriteStringO adds a string l ihc ulput stream. When SamplesPerPixel Is Greater Than have so far describer the compression scheme as if SamplesPerPixel were atways 1,as will be be the case with patette color and grayscale images But what do we do with RGR image data? Tests onour sample images indicate that the LZY compression ratio is nearly identical Iegardless of whether PianarConfiguration- l or PlanarConfiguration--2, for RGD images So ust whichever ponfigurat ...